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Masjid Project

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise."
Ṣahih Al Bakhari

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Our Story

Over a year ago, through collaboration with the communities in the north, we opened Al-Ansaar Community Centre to provide a safe inclusive prayer vicnicity space for the muslims here in the northern side of Adelaide. We alo provide other programs such as Quran and Arabic Classes, Homework Club, Food Campaign, Ladies Bootcamp, Weekly Lectures, and more. Unfortunatey with the facility wet got, it cannot provide a praying space for more than 200 people.  Alhamdulillah, over the years the muslim community in the north has grown enormously but unfortunately we have a small facility and the surrounding facilities are also the same or smaller.

Recognising this growing population and the importance of providing suitable facilities, the proposal for an Islamic community space in Adelaide aims to address these needs. It seeks to create a welcoming and inclusive environment that accommodates the increasing Muslim population and supports their social, educational, and recreational aspirations.


By offering a dedicated space that caters to the growing Muslim community, Adelaide can foster a stronger sense of community, promote cultural understanding and dialogue, and enhance social cohesion among its diverse population. The proposed community space will not only meet the immediate needs of the community but also contribute to the long-term development and well-being of the Muslim population in Adelaide.

Aim and Concept 

The concept proposal for an Al-Ansar community space in Adelaide, Australia aims to create a safe and inclusive environment for the Muslim community. The focus is on providing extended prayer area, a space for Muslim teens to congregate, develop, learn, and grow, while also involving families in community development.

Key features of our proposal include large prayer vicnicity, an indoor gym and outdoor spaces catering to diverse needs. The indoor gym promotes physical activities, while the outdoor areas accommodate community gatherings and recreational activities.


We currrently have two option available to us and they will both take around $5 million to complete the project. We are currently in Stage 1 (Land Acquisition)  and we urgently need to raise $2 million. 

We are seeking help from various 2,000 families, or individuals, humbly requesting their support in the form of donation of $250 or more towards the construction of a masjid in th northern region of Adelaide to promote Islamic education and values. 

To make a pledge, please fill the form by following the link below. 

To Donate now and build your home in jannah, please click below

Get in Touch

If you have any question or order inquiry, please contact us from the instant messaging widget below.Alternatively, you may also address your inquiry to us by email.

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